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Covid-19 Updates from the Australian Government

Writer: Peak PharmaciesPeak Pharmacies

Hi everyone,

We wanted to share with you some of the latest updates from the Australian Government regarding Covid-19.

As of Sunday, March 29th the following regulations are being enforced:

- Public gatherings, excluding household members, have been reduced to a maximum of two people.

- Everyone should stay home unless shopping for essentials, receiving medical care, exercising or travelling to work or education

- People over the age of 70, aged over 60 with pre-existing conditions or Indigenous people aged over 50 should stay home wherever possible for their own protection

- Evictions will be put on hold for 6 months by the states and territories, Landlords and renters are encouraged to talk about short term agreements.

- A safety net package of $1.1 billion has been announced by the Prime Minister to expand mental health and telehealth services, increase domestic violence services and provide emergency food relief.

- Stay informed, download the official government "Coronavirus Australia" app.

- All travellers returning home from overseas will be quarantined in a hotel or designated facility for 14 days.

- Pubs, licensed clubs and hotels (excluding accommodation), gyms, skateparks, indoor sporting venues, cinemas, beauty salons, play centres and outside playgrounds, places of worship and other public places must be closed.

For further information please head to



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